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Pres_Vin_FF_SGMC (Founder)
Vice President
Sergeant at Arms
SA_DANI_SGMC (Founder)


Club Manager


Road Captain



SA_Deth_SGMC (Founder)





This MC was founded on the principles of Friendship and Loyalty. We are friends and family, Brothers and Sisters to each other and always have each others backs.
We protect each other in this weird crazy life of RLC.

1. Drama - The MC is a drama free MC and as such no drama is allowed in the MC.
If you have an issue please bring it to the SA. The first offense of Drama brings a warning the second and you will lose your cut. Enforcers will handle any external issues as first point of contact and if unable to resolve issue will pass it over to the SA. The SA will handle all internal issues passing it to the VP if unable to resolve. In the absence of the President the VP and the SA can make decisions and speak freely for the President. It is expected that all members conduct them selves in a respectful manner when attending MC events if it is brought to the attention of an officer that you are not you will be requested to stop the offending behavior immediately with possible repercussions if you do not.

2. Prospects - All prospects must go through the SA for approval.
All prospects will have a minimum 2 week prospecting period at the end of the 2 weeks the prospects sponsor will decide if the vote will be called to patch the prospect into the MC. If the sponsor does not feel the prospect is ready to be patched into the MC additional prospecting time will be allotted to the prospect until the sponsor feels the prospect is ready. During the prospecting time frame the prospect is expected to add all MC members to their friends list and make an effort to get to know all MC members as well as spend time with the MC at various events. Exceptions to prospecting such as patch overs must have the founders in agreement.

3. Dues - Dues for the MC are 10 rays a month.
The payment of the Dues is expected by the 1st of the month and no later then the 5th of the month. All dues are paid to the Treasurer and if unable to make payment then arrangements will need to be made. Please contact the Treasurer to arrange something.

4. Cuts - Cuts are expected to worn at all MC events. 
Rallies, Road Trips and Club houses. On Special Occasions the President, VP or SA may make the call waive the wearing of cuts. If the President, VP or SA are unavailable then cuts should be worn to any MC event.

5. Voting - All patched members are required to vote as soon as notification of a vote has been given.
Voting is a Yes/No vote. With any No vote an explanation must be sent to the president as to why you are voting no. All votes pass with a simple Majority rules. All ties will be decided by the President

6. Meetings - Church will be every 1st Sunday of the month at 7pm EST.
All patched member are required to attend the meeting if online unless they have a legitimate reason for not attending and have obtained permission to miss the meeting. If there is an emergency meeting notifications will be sent to each member to attend if at all possible. The SEC will be noting attendance of the meetings and taking the minutes.

7. Chats - All members when logged into RLC are required to join the MC chat in world.

The name of the chat will be given. There is a way to have RLC remember group chats so you do not need to type it in each time, just ask someone.  If you are working or require privacy and need to leave chat for a while, let a senior officer know.  We also have a Skype chat we require members to be in so you can stay up to date on events and business.

8. Nothing that is discussed in any MC chat, or any MC business, shall be discussed with anyone outside of the MC.

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